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Recent Truck Driver Statistics

Truck Riding On A Highway In Sunset

Light trucks, medium trucks, heavy trucks, and very heavy trucks and transporters

There are so many different trucks on our roads today. The classification of trucks is generally categorized by the amount and type of cargo they carry, including but not limited to frozen goods, large construction loads, vehicles, beverages, timber, dangerous substances such as asbestos, toxic waste, etc. Some of the types of trucks include concrete transport truck (cement mixer), Mobile cranes, Dump trucks, Garbage trucks, Log carriers, Refrigerator trucks, Tractor units, Tank trucks, Box trucks, Vans, Cutaway van chassis trucks, Medium Duty Trucks, Medium Standard Trucks, Platform trucks, Flatbed trucks, Stake bed trucks and other light-duty trucks). The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration classifies any vehicle with a weight rating of over 10,000 pounds to be a large truck.

At Giordano Law Offices Personal Injury & Employment Lawyers we have experience in handling truck accident cases involving all types and classifications of trucks on our roads. The United States trucking industry is an integral and huge part of the US stream of commerce. The trucking industry continues to grow. It has been estimated that 70% of products being delivered in the U.S. are transported reaching their destination via a type of truck. Given those numbers, it is not surprising that truck accidents occurring daily on our roads continue to increase. Though they are an indispensable part of our economy, and we all benefit from their use, these motor vehicle juggernauts are the most dangerous vehicles on the roads.

Truck Driver Shifting Gears

According to experts working with the US and other state Departments of Transportation, by 2030 truck accidents will become the fifth largest cause of death in the United States. Each year, over 130,000 people nation-wide suffer from injuries in truck accidents. Moreover, the types of injuries from truck accidents are often quite severe because of the larger size and heavier weight of trucks compared to the vehicles that most of us use on our roadways. Wrongful death or serious injuries, including fractured bones head trauma, neck injuries, back and spine injuries, damage to internal organs, blindness, loss of limbs, and other serious injuries.

Truck accident statistics, across the board, establish that among the main causes for truck accidents are lack of rest, drowsiness, driver fatigue, rushing under time pressures, lack of proper training, and inexperience. Because these vehicles are not simple to operate, truck drivers need to be experienced and well-rested before they hit the road to ensure safe vehicle operation and maximum control.

The most recent government truck accident statistics for large trucks are posted on the Federal Motor Carrier Administration’s (FMCA’s) website ( Included within that truck accident data are accidents involving Fatalities found within the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS): FARS is maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and includes the most reliable census of fatal motor vehicle crashes on public roadways, but only has data on fatal crashes. In the FARS database, a large truck is defined in as a truck with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) over 10,000 pounds. A bus is defined in FARS as any motor vehicle designed primarily to transport nine or more people, including the driver. You can find the FARS data, which are considered preliminary for 12 months following posting here: (

Within the FARS database is separate silo for truck accidents, known as the Trucks in Fatal Accidents database (TIFA), which can be accessed here:

Some of the larger trucks on our roadways carry hazardous cargo such as flammable liquids, combustible liquids, explosives, oxidizing substances, radioactive materials, and flammable solids. It is extremely important to drive safely and cautiously around these trucks, which must be labeled that they are carrying dangerous and flammable substances.The risk of fatality or serious injury is higher in a collision with a trucker carrying hazardous cargo given the likelihood of explosions or fire.

Data from FARS indicated that there has been a total of 4,102 deaths in multiple-vehicle crashes involving trucks nationwide. This is a 52% rise in fatalities from 2009 when only 3,147 died in truck-related accidents. 97% of all deaths in truck crashes were from the passenger vehicle — car, van, or SUV that collided with the truck.

All these statistics point to one conclusion, truck accidents are an inherent danger of our roadways today. Truck accidents will inevitably happen. If you are aware of the dangers and the catastrophic magnitude of truck accidents, you will be wise to avoid risky maneuvers around trucks. If a truck accident does unfortunately occur, you will need a competent and experienced truck accident attorney.

The lawyers at Giordano Law Offices Personal Injury & Employment Lawyers have decades of experience handling truck accident cases. Our attorneys understand the trucking industry and the types of injuries that people suffer in truck collisions. Contact Giordano Law Offices Personal Injury & Employment Lawyers at 646-217-0749 if you or a loved one is involved in a truck accident to protect your rights. You can also text our website –, 24/7 in emergency situation.

A Man Standing Next To A Truck

Mechanical defects, including tire and brake issues, are the leading cause of truck accidents today. Steering wheel defects are also known to be a statistically significant risk factor in truck accident cases. The heavy weight of larger trucks also plays a significant role in truck accident crashes. Large trucks weigh far more than regular cars, which most of us are driving. The weight is magnified when the truck cargo is at maximum capacity, sometimes over 40 tons. Because of this weight, trucks take far longer to stop than regular vehicles, with even longer stopping distances and times if the cargo is not loaded evenly or properly in the trailer. Semi-truck accident cases often include contributing factors of the truck’s speed and stopping distance. Because of their massive weight, semis, tractor trailers and 18 wheelers require a far greater stopping distance than a regular passenger vehicle.

Also, keep in mind that the great majority of truck accidents occur on major roads other than interstates, highways, and freeways. A 2017 report showed that such major roads, other than interstates, highways and freeways were the location for 52% of large truck-related accidents whereas the interstates, highways, and freeways saw 32% of such accidents. Only 15% of all large truck vehicle accidents occurred on minor roads. (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)

At Giordano Law Offices Personal Injury & Employment Lawyers, we understand the inherent risks involved in trucking, and have experience handling truck accident cases as well as car accidents. The following statistics shows the higher risks involved in truck accidents compared to car accidents.48% of truck occupants died in crashes including rollovers, but only 22% of car occupants died in rollover accidents. 31% of passenger vehicle occupants die in a big truck accident when hit in the front. 25% of passenger vehicle occupants die with side impact from a truck. Rear end collisions of passenger vehicles by trucks result in only 5% of deaths among the passenger vehicle occupants. However, 22% of passenger vehicle deaths occur when the passenger vehicle hits the rear of the truck.

Having this information should better inform you to exercise extreme caution around trucks. Though truck drivers are professionally trained, you can never assume the truck will be the safest vehicle on the road or you do not have to be very careful yourself. If you have the great misfortune of getting into a truck accident, contact experienced truck accident attorneys immediately. Giordano Law Offices Personal Injury & Employment Lawyers is here to serve you.

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