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New York Truck Accident Lawyer: Truck Traffic Deaths On The Rise

Deadly Truck Accidents In New York Make Up More And More of Total Fatalities In Traffic Collisions

New York City, with its population of over 8 million people, dizzying traffic rules, confusing street patterns, delivery trucks, restaurant sheds, and tens of thousands of vehicles – can be a dangerous place to be a pedestrian, driver, or passenger. Truck accidents are increasingly comprising more and more of total vehicular traffic fatalities in NY. This is not good news as truck accidents are almost 20% more likely to involve more than one other type of vehicle. Injuries from truck accidents in New York can be critical or catastrophic. If you or someone you know has been injured in a truck accident, there are critical steps you can take to achieve some semblance of justice in the aftermath of such tragedy. Read on for 2023 NY truck accident data and legal advice on critical next steps to take after a truck collision.

truck accident in Harlem

2023 New York Truck Accident Crash Data: A Troubling Picture

The first nine months of 2023 have revealed alarming road safety concerns in New York. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reported 2,947 truck and bus accidents during this period. These accidents resulted in 59 tragic fatalities and 3,748 individuals suffering critical injuries. Distracted and unsafe driving played a significant role in these accidents, emphasizing the need for measures to decrease driver inattention and road rage.

New York Large Truck Crash Data: Deaths From Truck Accidents: 2018 – 2022

In 2018, fatalities from large truck accidents constituted 8% of all vehicular deaths in New York State. This proportion alarmingly rose to 9% in 2019 and further escalated to 11% in 2022. This steady increase signifies a troubling trend: large truck accidents are occupying an increasingly significant portion of traffic-related fatalities in New York. The inherent risks associated with New York truck accidents amplify the growing concern. Due to their size and mass, these collisions pose a greater risk of severe injuries and fatalities, particularly to smaller vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. The growing trend highlights the urgent need for measures to improve road safety and reduce large truck accident risks.

Varieties of Large Trucks Navigating the Streets of New York City

Delivery vehicles, NYC garbage trucks, EMS and emergency vehicles, ambulettes, buses, 18-wheelers, and other large vehicles populate New York’s roads.The sheer variety and size of these vehicles increase the potential for accidents, with collisions often leading to devastating consequences. Prompt medical and legal assistance are crucial for victims, making the search for a competent truck accident attorney a top priority.

Why New York Truck Accidents Are So Deadly

The graphic indicates that 87% of large truck accidents involve multiple cars, versus 69% for other vehicles, showing the increased likelihood of trucks pulling other cars into more deadly crashes. For instance, accidents involving 18-wheelers in New York can lead to trucks halving, endangering pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles. Similarly, New York’s Garbage and MTA buses, especially extended ones, often cause severe injuries and fatalities in accidents.

New York Truck Accident Legal Representation

Following a truck accident, victims often find themselves overwhelmed, dealing with physical, emotional, and financial challenges. This is where Giordano Law Offices Personal Injury & Employment Lawyers excels. Their award-winning attorneys specialize in handling New York City truck accident claims, offering comprehensive legal support from the outset. With a commitment to no charges for initial consultations, they provide a beacon of hope and justice for accident victims.

Seasoned legal representation is an essential part of securing the kind of result you deserve in the aftermath of a tragic truck accident. In 2023, Attorney Jack Giordano was able to secure an $18 Million Dollar Jury Verdict for injuries suffered when an MTA bus driver was negligent in his transportation and discharge of a young child from his bus causing serious physical injuries to the child. Giordano was also able to secure a 7-figure settlement for a client that was seriously injured when her Access-A-Ride bus collided with another vehicle. Unfortunately, Access-A-Ride crashes and collisions do happen in New York City. Choosing the right legal representation is so important in the midst of such an emotional time. Read how to best select the best personal injury lawyer if you would like more advice on how to best select the best personal injury lawyer for your needs.

The National Perspective: Wider Implications of Truck Accidents in the USA

Truck accidents are not limited to New York; this is a nationwide issue. In the United States, nearly five times an hour, a commercial truck accident results in injury or death. There are about 5,000 fatalities annually from 500,000 total trucking accidents.. The New York Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research reported 126 large truck and bus accident fatalities in 2022, accounting for 11% of the state’s total fatalities. These figures highlight the impact of truck driver negligence and underscore the human cost of road accidents.

The Disproportionate Impact of Truck Accidents in New York City

As a global metropolis, New York City experiences a high number of accidents involving semi-trucks, buses, and large commercial vehicles. For victims of such accidents, consulting a seasoned New York truck accident lawyer is not merely advisable; it is essential. These legal professionals offer free, no-obligation consultations, serving as a crucial first step toward achieving justice and compensation.

The graphic illustrates that 88% of large truck accidents in New York in 2022 occurred on a weekday. The numerous New York MTA buses, school buses, USPS trucks, and other large vehicles operating on weekdays likely contribute to this troubling statistic.

What To Do After Being Involved In A New York Truck Accident

The alarming frequency of truck accidents in New York City calls for heightened awareness and proactive measures. For victims, the road to recovery is laden with challenges, making the involvement of a New York truck accident lawyer indispensable. These attorneys not only provide legal guidance but also advocate for the rights and well-being of accident victims. In a city that never sleeps, ensuring the safety and justice of all its road users and pedestrians is essential.
